Population: 8.1m
Currency: Euro
Exchange Rate: Click here for exchange rate details
Information for the weather in Austria is available here Weather Info Here.
Foreign residents mainly consist of Germans and some Italians, with the principle language being German.
Capital gains made by residents are taxed as ordinary income at 34%. Your principal home will be exempt unless you sell within five years. All property is exempt after 10 years.
There have been restrictions on Foreign Ownership, with permission to buy property required from the local authority office, with restriction also on buying holiday homes in certain areas. Since joining the EU, Austria will be obliged to change these laws so that they apply equally to Austrian and EU citizens.
Real Estate Prices in Austria
Range Varies, for example:
From $50,000 / $75,000 for a studio apartment
From around $60,000 / $87,500 for a small apartment
From $100,000 / $145,000 and up for a larger apartment
Detached homes from $250,000 / $365,000
Locations to buy real estate
in Austria
Ski resorts are popular areas for outside buyers. Summer holiday homes for activity and outdoor pursuits are also well supported during the summer season. Vienna is rich in culture.
Living Costs in Austria
The cost of living in Austria is higher than most other EU countries. Austria also enjoys a high standard of living. EU membership will start to reduce the price of imported goods.
Buying real estate in Austria
A deposit of lO% is usual but not necessary in Austria, returned if the sale falls through. Property sales are usually handled for both parties by a solicitor/lawyer. The purchase agreement and the documents can be signed before an official at an Austrian embassy abroad and translated if required. When the purchase contracts are signed the funds are deposited in a trustee (escrow) account until completion takes place. The owner details will then be registered in the land registry and can take a few months. The taxes and fees are then paid by the solicitor/lawyer and the agreed purchase price paid to the vendor.
Solicitor / Lawyer
An Austrian solicitor/lawyer would normally be employed to handle the sale and buying contracts.
Your total fees should be around 8-9% of the buying price and will include property transfer tax of 3.5% and notary fees around 3-4%. The ownership registration should be 1% with stamp duty 0.5-1%, the land registry fees averaging a payment of around $300 / $450.
Property Tax
Will be between 0.4-0.9% of the properties assessed value and should be lower than the market sale value.
Wealth tax of 1% of your net worth irrespective of your resident status is charged for Austrian property owners.
Can be arranged from Austrian banks for both residents and non-residents with variable interest rates and payment terms. Click here to arrange a mortgage in Austria.
For more information on buying property in Austria, please contact the Real Estate Agent or visit the Austrian Governments website:
Our guide will not cover all the legal and full financial information for your Real Estate purchase in Austria but should enable you to get an idea into the financial involvement.
For more information on Austria Property and to arrange your viewing visit:
Austrian Embassy: 18 Belgrave Mews West London, SWIX 8HU
Tel: +44 (0)207 235 3731
Fax: +44 (0)207 344 0292